Belleville, Ontario
New Here?About US



8:00 a.m. Said Eucharist BCP
10:00 a.m. Sung Eucharist BAS




10:00 a.m. Said Eucharist BCP
Other services as posted on website


39 Everett St. Belleville, ON
K8P 3K1


St. Paul’s Roslin
10am Eucharist 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month

Next Steps

Becoming Involved.


The Church by the River….
Take a look at the activities and projects happening at Christ Church, which you are most welcome to come and join or contribute to….


We are here to serve God and one another in community. We do this by being a people of faith, working together to enrich each other’s lives through gathering, worship, celebration, prayer, listening, pastoral care, building authentic relationship.

Becoming a Member

The Church by the River
Christ Church Anglican is a member church of the Anglican Diocese of Ontario, part of the National Anglican Church of Canada and the World Wide Anglican Communion.

Pastoral Care

Baptism and other pastoral services


Prayer Ministry



Lay Ministry Opportunities


Ministry to Children

In Christ... life shared.


Plan a VisitWhat to Expect

Our Mission & Vision

At Christ Church, our mission is to love our neighbour as ourselves and to serve the community in which we stand.

At Christ Church Belleville, our goal is to continue to deepen our bonds within the family of the parish and in our wider community, so that our worship speaks of the authenticity of our work and mission as an Anglican Parish. That we continue to grow and learn together and to support one another in the household of faith, through study, worship and praying together is the foundation of our purpose and journey. 

As we continue to care for one another pastorally, we pray that we continue to be guided by the Holy Spirit in truth and justice and that we may continue to receive God’s Grace in who we seek to be for one another and those who look for a spiritual home and community.


When We Gather

10.00am Sung Eucharist BAS
Summer time
Midday Prayers 12 Noon
10.00am Said Eucharist BCP
St. Paul’s Roslin
10am Eucharist 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month 

Plan Your Visit

The church by the river ….
We’d love to meet you and have you share our experience of community and worship.
You can just ‘come and see’, and you will be most welcome, or you can plan your visit and chat to us before you come and ask any questions or raise any concerns you might have.
The service times are listed and contact details for you to be in touch, if you desire, are all here……
We are here for you….

Ministry Requests

Our pastoral care team brings emotional and spiritual support to our parish family and at times, beyond, the broader community. For those who are isolated and housebound, unwell and in the last stages of life.

Sunday School

Sunday school meets weekly during the 10am service. Our focus is on the story of Jesus and our story in the great journey of the church.

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