
We are here to serve God and one anther in community.
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The church by the river…. 


Baptism is a gift of our Lord Jesus Christ…so our ‘Prayer Book’ tells us, and is the most important of the sacraments, next to Holy Communion, that we celebrate. It is where any person enters the church, the body of Christ and becomes a full member.
Traditionally, baptism takes place in infancy with the teaching that the whole community of faith along with the child’s parents nurtures the faith development and experience in the growing of a child to adulthood, and then the young adult is able to make an informed decision for themselves and confirms their faith in a celebration called ‘Confirmation’. This affirmation is done in the presence of a presiding Bishop to symbolize our connection to the wider Anglican Communion. We are never alone in our journey of faith.
The truth is, Baptism can happen at any age. Jesus was about 30 years old when he was baptized in the river Jordan by John, his cousin. This is when Jesus began his ministry, which spanned just 3 years.
We encourage this journey and believe our household of faith will nurture you or your loved ones well.
Please contact us for conversation about this significant step…

Fr. Jeff O’Hare and team


Next Steps

Becoming Involved.


The Church by the River….
Take a look at the activities and projects happening at Christ Church, which you are most welcome to come and join or contribute to….


We are here to serve God and one another in community. We do this by being a people of faith, working together to enrich each other’s lives through gathering, worship, celebration, prayer, listening, pastoral care, building authentic relationship.

Becoming a Member

The Church by the River
Christ Church Anglican is a member church of the Anglican Diocese of Ontario, part of the National Anglican Church of Canada and the World Wide Anglican Communion.

Pastoral Care

Baptism and other pastoral services


Prayer Ministry



Lay Ministry Opportunities


Ministry to Children