The church by the river…..
Pray always, pray without ceasing…..
Our prayer ministry is important to us. We offer a specific prayer service every Tuesday at Midday…’Midday Prayers’ and a group gather to reflect and to pray for the world and all its needs, and prayers are offered at every worship service and individually as requested.
We keep a prayer list with the names of members of our community and others we’ve been asked to pray for.
And we also pray for and with people privately as confidentiality is often requested.
Bringing our prayer to God is twofold. It opens our awareness and heart to the people we love and in need of prayer, and it is our offering up to God who speaks to us in the silence of our prayers, that all may be well. That peace and healing may be the gift of God’s Grace to us in our prayerfulness.
If you wish to be prayed for or any member of your household or friendship group, please feel free to contact us, either to Fr. Jeff directly, or through the office to our administrative assistant, Shirley Dewey.
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Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Christ Church Hall Tuesday, March 4: 5;30 p.m. Free Will Offering. Please tell your friends and neighbours!
Wider Anglican Church