Our Parish is Lay people driven and we rely on the vital ministries and time commitment of many for the continued work and growth of the parish.
These ministries include:
Lectors….scripture readers are vital in offering a voice to our hearing scripture and at times prayers to our regular worship services. We encourage you to consider this important ministry. Speak to us if you would like to participate.
Chalice Bearers…..chalice bearers are an important assistance in the administration of Holy Communion. The Bishop, on our recommendation offers a license to this important sacramental ministry.
Servers…..we always need servers assistance at the Altar at our worship services. It’s fun and a great help to the clergy as they go about celebrating Holy Communion. Come and give us a hand.
Lay Readers…..is a special ministry in which members of the congregation are called to bring special lay ministers to the priest and congregation in celebrating weekly worship services. Their role is to support and assist the clergy in the liturgy, in the proclamation of the word through congregational leadership, intercessory prayer, assistance at the Altar and with the distribution of the sacraments and occasionally preaching….(although, not a requirement).
If you feel called to this ministry, talk to Fr. Jeff
Choir….and music ministry…..Christ Church has enjoyed a strong music ministry over the years and is now focusing on rebuilding this ministry. Singers and musicians are most welcome.
Altar Guild….a significant ministry and group in the parish as they are the custodians of our precious vessels and altar linens and take responsibility for their care and setting the church and sanctuary through the many seasons and holy days of the church’s year. Come join them for a rich fellowship and wisdom.
See ‘Contact Us’ for details.
Next Steps
Becoming Involved.
The Church by the River….
Take a look at the activities and projects happening at Christ Church, which you are most welcome to come and join or contribute to….
We are here to serve God and one another in community. We do this by being a people of faith, working together to enrich each other’s lives through gathering, worship, celebration, prayer, listening, pastoral care, building authentic relationship.
Becoming a Member
The Church by the River
Christ Church Anglican is a member church of the Anglican Diocese of Ontario, part of the National Anglican Church of Canada and the World Wide Anglican Communion.