The Church by the River…
Take a look at the activities and projects happening at Christ Church, which you are most welcome to come and join or contribute to….
Currently, due to Covid restrictions, much of our regular offerings and activities are on hold.
Christ Church Caterers (CCC)
We enjoy a long tradition of hospitality and catering for both parish functions and wider community engagement. From weddings, anniversaries, work recognition, family gatherings and community events, we have catered for up to 150 people and as few as 10.
Currently, ‘CCC’ is assisting in partnership with Bridge St. United Church making soup and casseroles addressing the systemic issue of homelessness and poverty in the greater Belleville area.
Our dedicated team meets every Tuesday morning to cook, to address this important need. This program feeds an average of 165 people daily and is supported by the City of Belleville, United Way and other churches and generous benefactors. Ministry in action is a positive indicator of a parish living the gospel imperative of ‘loving our neighbour’ and a grass roots ministry which offers fellowship and the satisfaction of helping and feeding others.
Gardening Group
We are blessed with open spaces, lawns and garden beds and part of our stewardship of being the custodians of this beautiful piece of land is making sure that access and engagement is attractive and safe. Each week, a team of parish members come and spend time together gardening and maintaining this space. It’s fun, conversation filled and we see the fruit of their labours.
Come and join us each Tuesday afternoon or at other times as advertised.
Coming soon…..
‘Community gardens’…growing to feed, to sustain, to nurture. A partnership project….more soon
Meals On Wheels
During the months of August and February, 14 volunteers from Christ Church support the Meals on Wheels program coordinated by Community Care South Hasting. The volunteers have been designated seven routes in which they deliver hot meals to individuals who are unable to prepare their own nutritious meal.
Coffee and Fellowship Hour
Fellowing the 10:00 a.m. Sunday service the parish gathers in the hall for coffee, tea and light refreshment. We have a shared roster of volunteers who offers this ministry of hospitality. Food and money are collected, and donations are forwarded to Gleaners.
Gleaners Food Bank
Gleaners Food Bank is a community food bank that Christ Church supports the first Sunday of each month. Food and money are collected, and donations are forwarded to Gleaners.
Supper Club
The Supper Club meets monthly at a local restaurant in our community. The minister generally attends, says Grace and a buffet follows. It is a wonderful opportunity for the general public to see a worship group coming together outside of the walls of a church to share a meal and support a local business.
Prayer Shawl
The Prayer Shawl Ministry began in 2012 and to date the small group has provided 103 shawls and 400 pocket shawls to individuals and families who have lost a loved one or for individuals who have experienced a lengthy illness. The shawls provide comfort during difficult times and are tokens of love and friendship.
Anglican Church Workers
The Anglican Church Workers (ACW), formerly known as the Anglican Church Women, changed its name to better reflect the participation of both men and women. Currently, Christ Church is the only church in our catchment area to have made this change. The group meets regularly for fellowship and to plan activities in support of our church and other groups. Events have included Mother’s Day Teas, bazaars, strawberry socials and yard sales. The ACW supports both the parish and the wider church.
One-to-One Literacy Support Program at Prince Charles School
The Literacy program is a wonderful example of how Christ Church supporting youth in our community along with other groups in our area. Initiated in 2017 by Christ Church, the church in partnership with Prince Charles Public School as well as District 19 Retired Teachers of Ontario, supports literacy development of students in primary grades. During its inaugural year, fourteen volunteers provided over 200 hours of individual instruction to twenty-eight students. The program is currently in its second year.
Fr. Jeff O’Hare and team
Next Steps
Becoming Involved.
The Church by the River….
Take a look at the activities and projects happening at Christ Church, which you are most welcome to come and join or contribute to….
We are here to serve God and one another in community. We do this by being a people of faith, working together to enrich each other’s lives through gathering, worship, celebration, prayer, listening, pastoral care, building authentic relationship.
Becoming a Member
The Church by the River
Christ Church Anglican is a member church of the Anglican Diocese of Ontario, part of the National Anglican Church of Canada and the World Wide Anglican Communion.
Pastoral Care
Baptism and other pastoral services
Prayer Ministry
Lay Ministry Opportunities
Ministry to Children
Get Involved
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Christ Church Hall Tuesday, March 4: 5;30 p.m. Free Will Offering. Please tell your friends and neighbours!
Wider Anglican Church