Dear family in Christ, every blessing for this season of Christmas and may 2022 be a year of emerging recovery from the pandemic and a new freedom to restore the things we have sorely missed. I hope this finds you well and healthy and safe in your homes with the ones you love and the support you need.
I announced in church yesterday, that as of Thursday, close of office business we shall be closing the doors to the church again, for the 4th time. I am disappointed to give this news, but myself and the wardens, Lloyd and Kate in consultation, made the decision last Friday in the interests of you all.
We have had such a good run since mid-august with a full offering of services and excellent attendances, a past visit from our Bishop +Michael and his new wife Sophie, was a definite highlight. Frs, David and Barry and Richard Bly preaching has added to the rich tapestry of life here at Christ Church.
I wish to sing your praises today as well, for your faithful and constant generosity in keeping up with your giving. Whilst we have lost revenue because of hall rental closures and functions and fundraising, your giving has sat above the estimated giving budget and so we are travelling a lot better than anticipated. Thank you.
I will return to weekly reflections and images as a spiritual help for your weekly devotions, and they will be published through Facebook, email and the parish website.We will also keep you informed as information and direction becomes available.
From all of us at Christ Church and from my family to yours,
May the child Christ lighten the darkness of this world and shine brightly as our way of hope and love.
With love.
Fr. Jeff and team.
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