Dear family in Christ,

What a whirlwind few weeks that literally finished with a whirlwind and considerable damage to our trees and minor roof damage this week!

Thank you for your loving kindness and generosity on the occasion of Terry and my wedding, and the wonderful celebratory lunch following. We proved again that Christ Church rises to the occasion with great energy and style. A wonderful day in the company of family and friends, the supportive community who have shown us the truth and benefit of Christian community and given us a home to belong.

It is with some regret that this week after much deliberation, we said farewell to Glen Thompson, our organist. Glen came to us on the eve of the Covid pandemic and like all of us jumped in and out of service as we closed, reopened, closed and reopened again. With diminishing numbers of choristers due to people either moving away or retiring from the choir, our musical resources depleted. The time has come for us to take a good and thoughtful look at the ministry of music at Christ Church and a new a creative direction which will affirm the strong tradition of organ and choral offering we have enjoyed for many years.

Next week, we will advertise for a new director of music, and set ourselves the task of renewal and a sustainable future. Thank you for your patience in this.

This last week, we gathered for the funeral of Mary Ellen Coulter, a much loved and valued member of our community of faith. To listen and reflect on her life and her gentle and kindly ways and to support Franklin and Carolyn in their grief. We interred her ashes on Tuesday afternoon at Thomasburg. Thank you to the ACW for your reception following the service.

Parish council held their last meeting, pre the summer break this week, and reflecting on our financial position, our giving continues to be strong, however rental income is low at the moment as hall users and catering for functions is making a slow regeneration. Once again, thank you for your generosity in the stewardship of giving.

In the meantime, we are happily busy, and now in service to St. Paul’s Roslin, which is a real joy. Blessings on this beautiful day, and in the weeks to come.

From our home to yours.

God is with us

Fr. Jeff and team