Dear family in Christ,
I hope this finds you well and safe on these beautiful summer days. I am pleased to let you know we have recommenced contact hours at the church with the office now open Monday through Thursday, and as advertised our recommencement outdoor Eucharist this Sunday the 15th at 10am followed by a picnic lunch in the grounds as a catch up with one another and as a witness to the wider community. If you could let Shirley Dewy in the office know if you are going to attend for catering purposes.
We continue social distancing and mask wearing, all achievable outdoors for this weekend and beyond as we have practised before inside church, when regular services resume next week.
As always, we are reachable by phone and now as an extra resource, our new website will assist you to know what’s happening week in, week out as we employ this new discipline of communication. The site address is:
Included in the website are all avenues of contact information, upcoming events, weekly reflections, and wider Anglican Church resources for you to engage.
It is also exciting to introduce our new Logo…. ‘The Church by the River’ as a way of easy identification of communications through Facebook, Instagram, emails and marketing, and an easy way to refer to where we are demographically.
It has been a long time since we have worshipped together and as many if not most of us now have been vaccinated, our coming together again to worship, pray, listen and minister to one another as we celebrate both God’s word and sacraments, will give us hope in our continued journey.
Next week we recommence Midday Prayers on Tuesday, Holy Communion of Wednesday at 10am and our Sunday Eucharist at 9.30am until mid September when we will reintroduce 8:00 am and 10:00 am Sunday Eucharists.
Please be assured of our prayers for you and in gratitude for your kindness for your prayers for us. Please don’t hesitate to be in touch if you need our listening. Thank you to the many who continue to assist in the smooth running of the parish and parish centre and our ministry to the wider community.
Blessings to you.
Fr.Jeff and team
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